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Recommendation Agents

This component aims to define an agent to interact with the previously defined environment by making recommendations and receiving the user’s feedback. Similar to the approaches used in the Reinforcement Learning theory, an agent is represented by two main components: a Value Function and an Action Selection Policy. The value function represents the agent’s goals, quantifying the expected consequences of its decisions. In this case, where the agent is a recommendation system, the value function represents the utility of each item for a user according to the algorithm prediction. The reward usually consists of a scalar value representative of the user’s explicit/implicit feedback. In turn, the action selection policy represents the policy used by the agent to choose one (or more) items to be recommended.

The Recommendation Agents supported by iRec are listed below.

Year Model Paper Description
2002 ε-Greedy Link In general, ε-Greedy models the problem based on an ε diversification parameter to perform random actions.
2013 Linear ε-Greedy Link A linear exploitation of the items latent factors defined by a PMF formulation that also explore random items with probability ε.
2011 Thompson Sampling Link A basic item-oriented bandit algorithm that follows a Gaussian distribution of items and users to perform the prediction rule based on their samples.
2013 GLM-UCB Link It follows a similar process as Linear UCB based on the PMF formulation, but it also adds a sigmoid form in the exploitation step and makes a time-dependent exploration.
2018 ICTR Link It is an interactive collaborative topic regression model that utilizes the TS bandit algorithm and controls the items dependency by a particle learning strategy.
2015 PTS Link It is a PMF formulation for the original TS based on a Bayesian inference around the items. This method also applies particle filtering to guide the exploration of items over time.
2019 kNN Bandit Link A simple multi-armed bandit elaboration of neighbor-based collaborative filtering. A variant of the nearest-neighbors scheme, but endowed with a controlled stochastic exploration capability of the users’ neighborhood, by a parameter-free application of Thompson sampling.
2017 Linear TS Link An adaptation of the original Thompson Sampling to measure the latent dimensions by a PMF formulation.
2013 Linear UCB Link An adaptation of the original LinUCB (Lihong Li et al. 2010) to measure the latent dimensions by a PMF formulation.
2020 NICF Link It is an interactive method based on a combination of neural networks and collaborative filtering that also performs a meta-learning of the user’s preferences.
2016 COFIBA Link This method relies on upper-confidence-based tradeoffs between exploration and exploitation, combined with adaptive clustering procedures at both the user and the item sides.
2002 UCB Link It is the original UCB that calculates a confidence interval for each item at each iteration and tries to shrink the confidence bounds.
2021 Cluster-Bandit (CB) Link it is a new bandit algorithm based on clusters to face the cold-start problem.
2002 Entropy Link The entropy of an item i is calculated using the relative frequency of the possible ratings. In general, since entropy measures the spread of ratings for an item, this strategy tends to promote rarely rated items, which can be considerably informative.
2002 log(pop)*ent Link It combines popularity and entropy to identify potentially relevant items that also have the ability to add more knowledge to the system. As these concepts are not strongly correlated, it is possible to achieve this combination through a linear combination of the popularity ρ of an item i by its entropy ε: score(i) = log(ρi) · εi.
- Random Link This method recommends totally random items.
- Most Popular Link It recommends items with the higher number of ratings received (most-popular) at each iteration.
- Best Rated Link Recommends top-rated items based on their average ratings in each iteration.